Friday, October 26, 2007

My frog

I just found this and i love frogs!!! thought he was cute!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Visit To Auntie Christy

I know it has been a while but we have been busy!! We had the opertunity to go visit Brian's sister at her new place in San Francisco we had tons of fun!!! Brian calls the city San Franfreako and if you have been there you know what he means,but we love to go and walk around and people watch. Christy place is so cute and she has great roommates that we go to meet. We spent the day walking all over. On the way Aidan go to see a fire truck and everytime he see's one he freaks he just loves the trucks, and if you know him i have to drive buy our firestation atleast once a day usually on the way to the gym. Can you say obcessed?? Well the things kids love and if it makes him smile it makes me also. Brians Dad and step mom joided us,we enjoyed our time as a family. We saw the bush guy and Aidan thought it was great when he would jump out and scare the people walking buy. Now we have a great excuse to go to the city because Auntie is there.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Day in San Francisco

This is one of our family's fun things to do. Every year we go see the Blue Angles fly. We love to spend the day in San Francisco and just walk around everywhere and see all the interesting things and people watch if you know what I mean! This year was by far the best because Aidan love it. I asked Aidan what his favorite thing was that day and guess what that was the "Train Ride"aka Bart! The little things that kids love.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sunday Dinner

Oh what a great mom I have to do Sunday dinner the kids love it because they get to see there auntie's and uncle and mom or dad doesn't seem to exist when they are around Darn :o)
Auntie Nicola, Aidan, and Quentin

Uncle Danny the jungle gym!!!!

We love the Sunday dinner the kids have a blast and mom gets a break!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Sheriff's Pick nick

Aidan got to go to his dads work pick nick and see all the cool stuff they have . They got to see the bomb squad truck and robot,his friends dad get attacked by a k-9 dog for the demonstration ,he got to go into the Mobile command unit. We had a good time. Aidan is so torn on what he wants to be. He cant decide between a fireman or a policeman.